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Responsible Investing | CVC

Sustainability is integrated into our investment process

CVC focuses on maximising returns by creating sustainable value for our stakeholders. We seek to apply a consistent set of responsible investment principles in each of our asset classes.

2024 Sustainability Highlights

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Percent of Private Equity companies holding a Gold or Platinum EcoVadis medal

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Percent of Private Credit deals featuring a sustainability-linked margin ratchet

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Percent of underlying GPs have a Responsible Investment policy in Secondaries


Proactively incorporating sustainability considerations will help future proof companies and meaningfully contribute to our objective of creating long-term sustainable value.

Chris Stadler Managing Partner


CVC aims to be transparent, and promote best practice in our approach to responsible investment, which is governed by our Group Responsible Investment Policy.

Due diligence

CVC seeks to consider and document material sustainability matters as part of due diligence and decision-making on new deals.

Portfolio engagement

During the holding period and through to exit, where there is the opportunity to do so, we carry out consistent, structured engagement with our portfolio companies to monitor their sustainability performance and encourage transformation, improved performance, and risk management.

For more information on our approach for investment processes please download our latest Sustainability Report here.

Zabka – Integrating sustainability into strategy and operations

Our ongoing commitment to Sustainability

CVC has been on a Sustainability journey since 2010 when we initiated our first Sustainability engagement programme with our Private Equity portfolio and established the CVC Foundation in 2011. We continue to evolve our approach and are committed to making improvements throughout our business operations and investment processes.

You can download our complete Sustainability journey here.


Reports and Policies

CVC is committed to providing a high level of transparency through our annual Sustainability repor...

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Climate Resilience

We have set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets through the Science-Based Targets initiativ...

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Greater diversity provides a great place to work and superior investment performance.

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Responsible Investing

CVC has in place a comprehensive responsible investing policy that sets out our guiding principles and both our commitments to invest and operate responsibly.