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Report Fraud | CVC

CVC's name, brands and other publicly available information - including addresses - may be misused by fraudsters publishing websites or using email accounts that fraudulently claim to be affiliated with CVC or companies in our network.

General advice

When communicating with CVC through digital media, please remember:

  • To take care to ensure you are visiting an authentic CVC website, i.e.
  • That CVC does not engage directly with retail customers nor offers retail products, such as investments, to the general public – either directly or through social media platforms or applications or any kind of intermediary
  • That CVC will never cold-call you. If you receive an unsolicited telephone call or email from someone purporting to represent us, it is possibly fraudulent and you should take care not to provide any information
  • Not to respond to emails from an email address other than an authorised CVC e-mail address. CVC only uses "" for email addresses
  • CVC does not conduct business or recruitment using social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, X, etc.) or over social media platforms (WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, etc.)

Specific cases

CVC has received reports of a number of such cases taking place in French-speaking countries. The perpetrators in those instances used the following aliases:

  • Jean Bernard Chatenet
  • Pierre-Louis Lackman
  • Vincent Hummel
  • Robert Rossenthal
  • Robert Derisbourg
  • Maxime Gauthier

CVC confirms that none of these individuals are employed by or associated with any member of the CVC Group, and that no transactions, investment opportunities or other business arrangements which they may propose or enter into have any association with any member of the CVC Group.

If you have been contacted by anyone using those names, and offered any investment opportunities or other business arrangements, it is likely an intention to perpetrate fraud or other improper activity. You should not respond or provide any information, and should contact the relevant local authorities. Note that other aliases may also be used.

Contact us

If you have been contacted by someone who has offered you a chance to invest in a CVC product, or have any other fraud concerns, please email [email protected].