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GEMS Education | CVC

During the partnership with CVC, GEMS Education, the world’s largest provider of private education for children from kindergarten to age 12, with ~140k students, committed substantial capital to expand capacity and continued to deliver high-quality education, improving NPS scores and retention.

Key information

Region Middle East
Sector Education
Strategy Strategic Opportunities
GEMS Education website

Value creation focus areas

How we add value

Growth without compromise

Since its creation in 1968, GEMS has been a pioneer of education in the UAE, where it plays a pivotal role in the region’s social infrastructure, particularly in Dubai. The group also has schools in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UK.

CVC first invested in 2019, and since then has worked closely with the business to increase the number and size of its schools (adding >15k seats). While growing, GEMS continued to offer its full range of support services, including school buses, uniforms, lunches and after-school activities, and maintained its commitment to academic excellence.


CVCʼs investment left GEMS in a much stronger position, and a better business.

Dino Varkey CEO, GEMS Education